As go our usual Saturday mornings, we drove into the city farmer's market for our weekly meat, etc. We were really feeling the cruel flirt of spring as yesterday's bright 70s turned into this mornings rainy 37s. I crab and Joey shrugs, "A lot of cold fronts come through here." Whatever that means.
In our attempt to eat solely upon the local and seasonal fruits of North Texas, we've had to ride out the winter rough with little color in our cupboards, eager for the blues, pinks and reds of warmer weather foods.
As with everything that is a true and loving devotion there is sacrifice and discomfort and pain, even. Joey and I are committed to the true and local yields of Earth and so we suffer the wait because we know it is "worth it."
My sister's family suffer the wait for their little boy, as all the loose ends of his adoption are tied up neatly and as they plan their trip to Ethiopia.
All women who long for their child, whether or not they are pregnant, know all too well a long and often painful wait.
In our attempt to follow seasonal foods, we've fall upon experiencing the Lenten season in a newly raw light. We joyfully suffer and indeed sacrifice the winter with the promise of Easter's bounty. I'd never really associated the Earth's seasons with the Church's seasons before and I am thankful for the new perspective.
I am also thankful that honey is a year-long food.